Thursday, April 8, 2010

I'm Not in Florida.

It's cold, and wet, and a little snowy. Ughhhh so frustrating!! So I'm  here, and with about 1,000 blogs floating around in my head, ready to write about everything, or nothing, either way here we go. 

What's been goin' down? Not a whole lot.
Can't believe we're so close to the end of the school year. I'm startig to get that anxious, heart racing, "everything counts so give it all you got," kind of feeling.  Heather, Mr. Stevens, and I are heading down to Taylor University for a visit tomorrow!! We're reeeealllllyyyy excited about it!!!! And so the infamous college search begins...

This past Friday I was in the Windy City with some friends for the day.  We walked Navy Pier, went to a great Italian restaurant, walked more, and rode the Ferris Wheel at night, which was absolutely amazing. 
(Pictures to follow...)

I celebrated the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  The Palm Sunday and Easter services at Granger were incredibly amazing; if you weren't able to be there, go online to and watch them.  They'll change your life, serisouly. 

Though Spring Break has been a nice change of pace... I'm kind of ready to be back to a normal schedule.  Because once we go back to school, the closer we get to summer. And that makes me happy!! :)
Plus, I have missed my GSM friends like CRAZYY!!!!

This is all for now... and to make up for the lack of pictures in this post... my entire next post will be all pictures. Get excited!! :)

Thanks for stoppin' by.
Bye for now.

Amazing Song...