Sunday, January 2, 2011

she said it best.

2010 was a quite a year.
I've been wondering how to put it all into words.
I just read a blogpost from Maddie Helman that sums it up perfectly.

you and I had a wonderful, maddening relationship. From the very start I knew you would be a tough one to hang on to. Through the year you made me cry, laugh, smile, rejoice, miserable and persevere. You were the year that taught me the most about myself, about others and about the God that I serve. You made me see, through more bad times than good, that God is the one that will never let me down, even when you find it easy to leave me hanging on for dear life by my bloody hands. You, 2010, showed me that I can get through whatever stumbling block in front of me. There were many times, 2010, that I wanted to give up on you all together. Never has a year been so cruel to me. But I knew that I couldn’t let go of you because you weren’t done teaching me things. This past year with you, in the 17th year of my life, was one that I will be reliving for the rest of my life. Many years have gone by and I haven’t had such a close bond to them as I have with you, 2010. I thank you for helping me overcome so many things and see that the people I lost and the people I gained were a gift from God to help me make it through this past year. You have helped me see the potential that my future holds, if I rely completely on my God and leave my plans out of it. I am glad to see our relationship come to an end, 2010, but know that I am so much stronger for having known you. Please tell 2011 to make this next year not so much of a rollercoaster; you made me feel carsick a lot 2010. I need a smoother ride this next year. Thanks for all you gave and took away from me this year, I can’t wait to meet my new friend 2011.


Madeline Kay (Eden Christine)