Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I never wanted to leave this face...

I met her in Mexico. I look at her and I see Jesus.  She's one of the most special girls i've ever met.

And I didnt understood a word she said.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Moment of personal privilege: Paige Scott

Paige and I are glued together by a bond that is not quickly broken.  We were cabin buddies; what's up owl cabin!! And although living in small quarters for a week with 14 girls may drive two people apart, it brought us so much closer.  We laughed, cried, made up fantastic Camp Beautiful chants together.  We are best friends.  She's an amazing girl!  And a pretty awesome dancer!  I love talking with her about life... uhh and boys. ;) She's one of the most encouraging girls that I know.  Always lifting people up, and making sure that everything feels included.  I love just being around her cause i'm hoping eventually some of her mercy and compassion will rub off on me...

I love you, Paige, you're amazing!!!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Things I learn from Middle School Journey....

It's not about me.

Don't put your parent/guardian in a head lock. (Or DC will probably fight you...)

Middle schoolers make me happy :) They're so full of energy and joy; it's AWESOME!

Conflicts aren't settled by bad communication

Do what your parents tell you to do, not only because God tells you to, but also because they might ground you from church.

Actions speak louder than words.

Middle schoolers like to smell my bible... it smells like camp :)

They're not afraid to ask questions.

Oh, and if you need a way to let out your anger..... you can either, go beat up a trash can, or paint your parents face on a balloon and pop it.

Don't you wish you would have come to journey??


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Moment of personal privilege: Heather Stevens

Heather Stevens; she's one of the girls in my small group, she chases after God with everything that's in her, and she's one of best friends. I am continually amazed in watching her lead at not only GSM, but at camp, and in Mexico. Heather has an amazing heart, she loves Jesus more than anything. I hold her in the highest respect.  I had the privilege of serving alongside her in Mexico last July and I have firsthand felt the impact of her service. Heather is amazing. Period.