Monday, February 15, 2010

Somebody's always watching....

(My group of girls at the middle school Renewal retreat)

DC has said at leader's meetings time and time again, "You're never 'off." Meaning, that you're never not a leader.  Someone is always watching every move you make.  Leadership is not something that you "turn on" when you come to middle school GSM or to a Wednesday middle school journey class or to Camp Adventure.  And then "turn off" once you go home.  There will undoubtedly always be someone watching you when you're at the mall with your friends, or at school.  So, if this is true, than what do people see?  Do you act differently when you're not in the "church atmosphere?"  Would you be embarrassed if a 6th grader heard you talking to a friend from school, or saw a text you sent? Being in leadership is probably the hardest yet most rewarding thing to do. Take time to think about what the people that are watching you see when they look at your life outside of church...

1 Peter 4:10
10 As each has received a gift, employ it in serving one another, as good managers of the grace of God in its various forms.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


"Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives."  --- Francis Chan: Crazy Love

Monday, February 8, 2010

Support System

It's better to have a partner than go it alone. Share the work, share the wealth. And if one falls down, the other helps, but if there's no one to help, tough!
Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

When life happens, and the weight of the world is on your shoulders, it's important to have people you can count on.  People just to talk to, who might not even have all the answers but are there to listen.  And though sometimes we go through rough patches, I love these girls and know that they would do anything for me.  Who do you have in your life that doesn't care what you've been through or where you are but just wants to make the hard situations in your life easier?

Saturday, February 6, 2010


There have been a few moments in my life that stick out...
The moment we turned on to that amazing dirt road before arriving at Camp Adventure.
 The moment we landed in Mexico.
 The moment that Jordyn arived in my driveway.
The moment right before I start to dance.
The moment I saw the "Welcome to the Sunshine State" sign.
The moment I was baptized.

I got to thinking about all of these moments, and a million others, and I realized that during them all I had the same feeling.  Honest, pure, authentic, indescribable joy.  There's a verse in the bible that says, "Every good and perfect thing comes from God." In all of those moments, God was there.  God loves to see his children happy. And if he is happy whenever any of us are happy, he must have a lotta joy goin on!  And even in the moments where I am down in a valley, and crying out to God, I know he's there to.  In every moment, the amazing, or the not so great.  He's never going to leave; more faithful than a brother.  You can't shake him off, no matter how hard you try. He cares about you, he cares about me. 

God, show me how to love like you love.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

It... Is... Coming...

Some may fly across the US to get there...
Some may be the only Jesus this little boy knows...
Some may spend a day in the kiddie (pee) pool and never want to leave their kid...
Some may fall in love with these smiles...
Some may spend a day in the dirt coloring a picture...
Some may get  a tattoo just because they're kid wants one...
Some may realize that the friend they've been looking for was right there the whole time...

Everyone will serve next to people they may have never met but are best friends with by the end of the week...

Everyone will see Jesus work in ways they never thought possible. 

Summer Missions Trips... GET READY. 

They're coming.