Monday, February 15, 2010

Somebody's always watching....

(My group of girls at the middle school Renewal retreat)

DC has said at leader's meetings time and time again, "You're never 'off." Meaning, that you're never not a leader.  Someone is always watching every move you make.  Leadership is not something that you "turn on" when you come to middle school GSM or to a Wednesday middle school journey class or to Camp Adventure.  And then "turn off" once you go home.  There will undoubtedly always be someone watching you when you're at the mall with your friends, or at school.  So, if this is true, than what do people see?  Do you act differently when you're not in the "church atmosphere?"  Would you be embarrassed if a 6th grader heard you talking to a friend from school, or saw a text you sent? Being in leadership is probably the hardest yet most rewarding thing to do. Take time to think about what the people that are watching you see when they look at your life outside of church...

1 Peter 4:10
10 As each has received a gift, employ it in serving one another, as good managers of the grace of God in its various forms.

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