Saturday, May 29, 2010

"Go into all the world..."

Last summer was given the privilege of spending two entire weeks 
serving next to Cassie Hallam. At camp in June we were both 
counselors, and in July we both went to Mexico. I got to experience 
first hand her servant heart. After being in Mexico for a week Cassie 
really felt like God was calling her to more. So she applied to be an 
intern at Back to Back in Monterrey, Mexico for the whole month of June 
this year. So, in a little under a week Cassie will be on a plane 
headed down to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Cassie is one of my best friends. We are in a small group 
together and are more alike than most people I know. She challenges me 
in ways that not a lot of other people do. She's an absolutely 
incredible woman of God. I'm so proud of her that she is following the path 
that God has put her on to go somewhere that is pretty dangerous to be 
in right now. I'm asking you all to pray with me for the month 
that Cassie will be down in Mexico. For her safety, and that God would 
wrap his arms around her and that she would feel his love and 
protection around her all the time.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Reasons Why I love My Brother

-Well let's get the obvious out of the way first... he's a STUD.

-He can rock a pair of aviators like nobody's business.

-I scream for him as loud as possible at every sporting event he's in and he doesn't get embarrassed. (Not that it would stop me if it did embarrass him...)

-He watches Gilmore Girls with me.

-He worships God like crazy with everything in him.

-He plays Wii with me even though i'm really bad and he kicks my butt every single time.

-He talks to me even when he's around his friends.

-And probably the biggest reason I love my brother is because of this conversation he had with a girl at his school.
          Girl: Hey, why are you reading your bible?
          Christian: Why are you reading 'Twilight?'
          Girl: Cause it's a really good book, and I like it a lot!!!
          Christian: That's exactly what I read my bible.
          Girl: Oh...
Christian takes his Bible to school everyday, reads it when he has free time, and has even memorized some verses.  He inspires me.


(Reasons why I love my sister... coming soon. for real.)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Goings On

So what's been happening...??
Let me show you.
I like to take pictures of flowers... especially in Chicago.
I've had several (meaning a million) Passion Fruit Iced Tea Lemonades. I have fallen in love.
I worshiped Jesus along side 11,000 people at a Hillsong United concert.
Beccah Sarah Rendall went to prom and she let me do her hair! It looked amazing!!! Love her!
Oh yeah... her dress was pretty sweet too! :)
And I spent an evening with some of my best friends jumping around, getting wet from waves, and laying in a tent on the beach at 9:00pm... oh how i love those nights.

life. is. good.