Saturday, January 2, 2010

Thanks for the Memories...

2009 - another one for the books.
It was a good year, a challenging year, and a growing year.  I went to Camp Adventure and Mexico over the summer which turned out to be the best two weeks of my life so far.  I have met some amazing people who have challenged me to live my life better.  I said goodbye to my great-grandma who lived to be 94.  I've had to let go of some friendships and trust that God knows what he's doing.  I have stayed up far past my bed time to finish homework.  I went to Memphis Tennesee and got inspired to live a life filled with love toward others.  I led a group of girls at Renewal, which was both challenging, tiring, but extremely rewarding in the end.  I was a single lady, a dreamer, and urban for a night! :) I went ice skating at a Chick Night and then was best friends with Nicole Ditto.  I started dating an amazing guy.  I realized that you can have a best friend live far away from you. (J-Love in Fort Wayne!!) And lastly, the biggest thing to happen to me was that I publicly declared  my huge love and devotion to Jesus Christ.  I got baptized alongside my brother and sister and many friends.  It was one of the best nights of my life!

God, help me to not stop growing in 2010. Show me how to live for you in everything I say and do.

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