Over the weekend I got the chance to lead at GSM's middle school retreat, Renewal. It was an absolutely incredible experience!! So many lives changed! During that time I made a note of stuff that i thought was 'tweet worthy' and decided to save it for until i got home...
Bus 2!! The Hannah Montana songs have already begun!
Hahaha i love that most of the bus knows this song, 'Hide your kids, hide your wife...'
No promises, if I've got gas, I've got gas. ---- Megan Stevens. (This also sparked Ninja Farts)
Finally made it!!!
Camp Geneva has the nicest cabins I've ever been in.
Session one begins NOW!! Seth Bible is in the house!!!
Epic night games... Underground church. Will you find your pastor?
'I'm morally against showering.' 'Not this weekend.'
Nearly 1am and getting ready to head to bed, excited for what tomorrow holds!!
Abi laughs and talks a lot in her sleep... we may have been making fun of her a little bit...
Session 2!!! LIFT!!!!
Whats up rain, we aren't scared??
Dodgeball champs, yaaaaa orange team!!!
DC: 'How'd you hurt your pinky?' Me: 'Playing the Korea game.' DC: 'You should probably stay in America from now on...'
PickerUp ThrowEm Shield time!!!
Session 3!!! FRESH START: leave it all on the cross.
Amazing session, so many lives changed!!!!
Emmi Meyer has nicknamed the Celebration Center 'The Nursing Home' lots of injuries!
We dont need a camp fire to have smores... we just bring in 3 microwaves!!
'What did you do to your ankle?' Emmi: 'Oh, I stepped on a spider..............................'
Took me about 5 years to get out of bed this morning..... and about 5 more to wake up our girls!
On the bus on the way home... I like watching people figure out how to sleep on buses. It's quite humorous!
20 minutes away from home!!! Get ready @gccwired, here come 200 middle schoolers!!!
Okay that was less embarrasing than i thought. hahaha i loved ALL of those!!!!! :)