Wednesday, October 6, 2010


The first GSM of the school year DC pulled all the seniors together and talked to us about this word legacy. He said that we have a big impact on how this year goes and then he asked this question, what legacy do you want to leave with this ministry and these students when you graduate at the end of this year? I've been thinking a lot about legacy lately. How many people I come into contact with in a day and the impact that I could have on them. As I begin to lead a small group of sixth grade girls this idea weighs heavy on my heart. I'm far from perfect, but I want to be a good example of Christ to these students. I cannot do this on my own though. Because on my own... I am nothing. I need God to be in every step I take and word I say this year to make the biggest impact possible. I also need people around me that are lifting me up, encouraging me, and challenging me to become a better person. I can't be the best leader I can be if I am only reaching out and helping others, without being fed spiritually myself. Which is something that challenges me a lot. I hardly ever just sit and listen. There's a story in the bible about Martha and Mary. Long story short, Mary was the one sitting at Jesus' feet soaking up every word he said while Martha was in the kitchen preparing a meal. And at one point she comes out and tells Jesus to tell Mary to come help her because she is by herself doing all the work. And Jesus says to her, ""Martha, dear Martha, you're fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it—it's the main course, and won't be taken from her." Mary was doing the most important thing at that point. She was listening to her father's words. I want to be the kind of leader that sees a need and and jumps in to fill it, but also the kind of the leader that doesn't become too busy with seemingly important tasks that I miss things that God is trying to tell me.

1 comment:

  1. You are going to be such a great example to your girls. You have always impressed me with your heart and discipline! Love you girl :)
