Sunday, August 16, 2009

A few verses and quotes from Mexic09

"Do not despise small beginnings , for God rejoices at the start of the work."
Zachariah 4:10
"Peace has less to do with the absence of uncomfortable and unwanted things in life, but more to do with what God offers us in the midst of trouble. His peace, presence, joy, hope, and faith."
John 16:33
"If we look better to those we share a pew with than to those we share our street with, there is a problem. If we can lead a great children;s Sunday school class, but yell at the kids who cut through our yards... if we can pontificate complicated spiritual truths and be impressive at church, but lack a loving response in our homes, than we have a problem."
Beth Guckenberger
"Shelter, is it only a place or is it a state of being? A state of being at peace, a state of being safe- mentally and physically, a state of trusting in someone you can neither see nor feel. David walked through his life with those assurances. Not a perfect man, but a man who tried to be perfectly connected to God. Therein lies the secret to true shelter. It is directly dependent on our relationship with God."
Kathy Couch
"God is the only eternal shelter and refuge and what He does is not exclusively physical but often times emotional and spiritual."
Kathy Couch
"When everything around us is changing so rapidly and feeling so uncontrollable, isn't it a comfort to have a SHELTER that does not change? A SHELTER that is the same yesterday, today and forever."
Kathy Couch
"Peace is not the absence of conflict. Peace is a state of minds. Those who experience peace have love in their hearts even when turmoil surrounds them."
Greg Huffer
"God's promises of shelter apply on the most profound level of eternal things. No matter what happens to us in this life, nothing an no one can snatch us out of God's hands."
Greg Huffer
"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart, I have overcome the world."
John 16:33
"Let us not become a people that gets comfortable with just hanging out with the 99. Let's get up, and go after THE ONE. God, help us to become a generation that will go and search for THE ONE, just you pursued us."
Beth Guckenberger
"Let them watch me burn."
Mark Beeson

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