Friday, August 14, 2009

Ready, Set, Goooo!

So I caved. I am officially entering in to the blog world! First off I'd like to make a confession. I am a blog-stalker. There, I said it. Truthfully, I love reading about people's lives, about their struggles, prayers, and funny things that happen to them. So, I figured, "Hey, why not join 'em?!"
Here I go.... I'm not too sure what one would say on a first blog entry... I want to say something poised, but not too deep so that people would think that I just sit around at home thinking of profound things to say, because that's not me at all. So here is my attempt to put words together that will somehow cause you to keep reading my posts. My name is Eden, and I love Jesus. If I concluded my post there you would pretty much know everything that you could want to about me. Jesus has changed my life, and I live everyday to honor and glorify him. My biggest goal in life is to love God, love the people around me, and live my life in such a way that God will shine through me.
I hope that after reading this you don't feel like I just wasted your precious time! I hope and pray that God would speak through my words and stories to lift up and encourage anyone who reads it.

Thanks a bunch for stopping by :)


  1. not going to lie..i'm a blog stalker too :) ahaha

    maybe i'll join next..!
